My Experience With Alcohol

3 min readDec 22, 2020

It was an average day, except for the fact that the discussion of alcohol was brought up in a conversation with my best friend over facetime. I’d always wanted to know what it felt like to be drunk but what happened prior to the occasion was completely unexpected. We had thought of many ideas to accumulate the alcohol, even going as far as reaching out to an older cousin of mine to buy it for us but nothing seemed to work and eventually decided on going to a newsagents to purchase a bottle of Pink Gin. I went, my best friend stayed on the phone with me as I walked to ensure that everything would go according to plan. I entered the shop, feeling nervous but I didn’t show it, I had to be confident and pretend that this was something non cholent that I did often. I approached the front desk with a chocolate bar that I had picked up from a shelf. I handed the shop keeper a £20 note and she asked “Do you not just have £1?” I replied “No, but I’ll have a bottle of Pink Gin as well”. The lady was foreign so she didn’t understand what I said at first but luckily there was another woman in the shop who understood. “This one?” she said, pointing to a bottle on the top shelf. “Yes” I replied. She took it down and placed it on the front desk. “Do your parents know you’re buying this?” she said, seeming suspicious. “Yes, I’m on the phone to my mum right now” I lied, my friend prepared on the line in case she asked for evidence but she did not. “How old are you?” she asked, laughing and I said “18”. That seemed to work and I paid, leaving the shop successfully. “NO WAY” I shouted to my friend down the phone. “WHAT?” she answered. “WE GOT IT” I shouted again. We both couldn’t contain our excitement and laughter. When I got back to the house I went straight to my room and hid the bottle from my suspecting parent.

The next day arrived quicker than expected. I got ready for college as usual, not forgetting the fact that I had a 37% bottle of Pink Gin in my bag. The first lessons of the day went by and me and my best friend thought it would be a great idea to drink some of it with another friend of ours at break in the toilets. We took a few shots each, cringing at the strong taste but carrying on all the while. We were a bit tipsy in third period and fourth but that was nothing compared to what happened next. We went in the Lunch Hall and purchased two bottles of flavoured water and proceeded to bring them to the toilet location we had visited earlier. Seeing as there were only two bottles both of my friends mixed theirs with the water and I took a few shots straight from the bottle. That’s when I decided that I should probably get a bottle as well so I put some money on my friends lunch card and bought a bigger bottle of flavoured water. I went back to the bathroom and poured a lot of it down the toilet then filled it to the top with gin. They drank some of theirs and I drank some of mine and that’s when we decided to go back upstairs. I barged past two girls and that’s when my friends realised I was pissed. We went outside and that’s when it all went downhill. I started to experience dizziness and the laughter that emerged from my mouth was loud and different and my friends were laughing too. They were both a bit tipsy but not as bad as I was. I began to swing my bag around uncontrollably and the bag fell, the gin bottle falling out along with it. The Head Teacher was close by and my friend picked it up quickly, shoving it back into my bag so he didn’t see. She took the bag, laughing and still having some common sense left refused to give it to me. I eventually managed to get it back and regretted it afterwards. I ran, through the Lunch Hall and locked myself in a toilet cubicle and drank a few more shots of the Pink Gin. I fell multiple times in the cubicle and managed to get up, heading down the stairs and almost falling. That’s when people started to notice and a Year 11 asked if I was alright. “Pissed as fuck” I replied, walking towards my next lesson.

To be continued…




I love coffee, snakes, books, pinecones, camping, rollercoasters and a lot more, I am quite the staying in and going out kind of person.